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Martin Luther King – urodzony 15 stycznia 1929 r. w Atlancie pastor Kościoła baptystów, polityk, działacz na rzecz równouprawnienia. King ukończył socjologię na prywatnym college’u Morehouse, a następnie seminarium teologiczne w Chester w Pensylwanii. W 1953 r. poślubił Corettę Scott, z którą miałczworo dzieci. W 1954 r. Matrin Luther King uzyskał święcenia kapłańskie w zborze baptystycznym w Montgomery w Alabamie. Rok później zdobył tytuł doktora z systematyki teologicznej. Od 1955 do 1955 r. King przewodniczył bojkotom organizowanym w Montgomery w celu zniesieniu segregacji rasowej autobusów miejskich. Walczył o równouprawnienie rasowe i prawa obywatelskie. Z jego inicjatywy czarnoskórzy studenci zajmowali miejsca przeznaczone w lokalach publicznych dla białych. Martin Luther King organizował także tzw. rajdy wolności, w trakcie których on oraz członkowie Kongresu Równości Rasowej poruszali się po stanach południowych specjalnymi autobusami i domagali się zniesienia segregacji rasowej. Dzięki działaniom Kinga na rzecz obrony praw obywatelskich czarnoskórych zaangażował się także J. F. Kennedy. W 1963 r. Martin Luther King stanął na czele Marszu na Waszyngton, w którym wzięło udział 250 tys. ludzi obu ras, w tym także Marlon Brando, Charlton Heston, Sydney Poiter, James Baldwin. Podczas marszu wygłosił swoje legendarne kazanie, któremu nadano nazwę „I Have a Dream”. W 1964 r. otrzymał pokojową Nagrodę Nobla. Martin Luther King został zastrzelony 4 kwietnia 1968 r. w Memphis. Jego zabójca, J. E. Ray, otrzymał karę 99 lat pozbawienia wolności.
Jeszcze raz dzięki , bardzo byście mi pomogli :)
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Martin Luther King - Born January 15, 1929, in Atlanta, Baptist Church pastor, politician, activist for equality. King graduated from a private college sociology at Morehouse and Theological Seminary in Chester, Pennsylvania. In 1953, he married Coretta Scott, with whom miałczworo children. In 1954, the Matrine Luther King has been ordained in the Baptist church in Montgomery, Alabama. A year later, he won his doctorate in systematic theology. From 1955 to 1955, King led the Montgomery bojkotom organized to abolish racial segregation of city buses. He fought for racial equality and civil rights. On his initiative, blacks took their places for students in public venues for white. Martin Luther King organized the so-called. freedom rallies, during which he and the members of the Congress of Racial Equality after moving to southern states special bus and demanded an end to racial segregation. With the King's efforts to defend the civil rights of blacks involved in the JF Kennedy. In 1963, Martin Luther King stood at the head of the March on Washington, which was attended by 250 thousand. people of both races, including Marlon Brando, Charlton Heston, Sydney Poiter, James Baldwin. During the march gave his legendary sermon, which was given the name of "I Have a Dream". In 1964 he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. Martin Luther King was shot April 4, 1968, in Memphis. His killer, JE Ray, was sentenced to 99 years in prison.
Martin Luther King - Born January 15, 1929, in Atlanta, Baptist Church pastor, politician, activist for equality. King graduated from a private college sociology at Morehouse and Theological Seminary in Chester, Pennsylvania. In 1953, he married Coretta Scott, with whom miałczworo children. In 1954, the Matrine Luther King has been ordained in the Baptist church in Montgomery, Alabama. A year later, he won his doctorate in systematic theology. From 1955 to 1955, King led the Montgomery bojkotom organized to abolish racial segregation of city buses. He fought for racial equality and civil rights. On his initiative, blacks took their places for students in public venues for white. Martin Luther King organized the so-called. freedom rallies, during which he and the members of the Congress of Racial Equality after moving to southern states special bus and demanded an end to racial segregation. With the King's efforts to defend the civil rights of blacks involved in the JF Kennedy. In 1963, Martin Luther King stood at the head of the March on Washington, which was attended by 250 thousand. people of both races, including Marlon Brando, Charlton Heston, Sydney Poiter, James Baldwin. During the march gave his legendary sermon, which was given the name of "I Have a Dream". In 1964 he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. Martin Luther King was shot April 4, 1968, in Memphis. His killer, JE Ray, was sentenced to 99 years in prison.