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This is Pałac Kultury i Nauki im. Józefa Stalina. There is in Mazowieckie, Warsaw. It is the tallest landmark in Poland It built in 1955. It build last three years. However has 42 floors and cubage 817000m2. In his halls acommodate 4500 people. Now are there business and bublic utility. I chose it, but like tall building. I going to go there in future
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Lepiej nazwy napisac po angielsku moim zdaniem.
This is the Palace of Culture and Science the name of Joseph Stalin. It's in Masovia Voivodeship. It is the tallest landmark in Poland. It was built in 1955 (musisz uzyc was bo to passive). Nie wiem co tutaj masz na mysli 'it build last three years'. Po przeczytaniu calosci tekstu doszlam do wniosku, ze chodzilo ci o to, ze budynek zostal przebudowany. It was redeveloped three years ago (jak nie o to chodzi to napisz w prywatnej wiadomosci). Uzycie however w ogole tutaj nie pasuje. It has 42 floor and the cubage of 817000m2. Tutaj rowniez nie pasuje uzycie slowa hall. Zdanie do przerobki, bo masz na mysli czas przeszly In this building there were 4500 accommodation places. Now it is used as business and public utility. Kolejne zdanhie w ogole niepoprawne. I have chosen it because I like tall buildings I znowu bledy. I am going to go there in the future.