Czy mogę prosić o przetłumaczenie tego tekstu na język Angielski ? Tylko nie chciała bym z " tłumacza google" . Tekst : "Moją najlepszą przyjaciółką jest Renata . Poznałam ją w przedszkolu , lecz od 4 klasie podstawówki się przyjaźnimy. Urodziny ma 17 września . W tym roku skończy 14 lat. Jest wysoka , szczupła i wysportowana. Ma brązowe , długie i proste włosy. Jej oczy są koloru zielonego. Jest bardzo śliczna. Ubiera się zazwyczaj na sportowo : jeansy , buzka i bluza. Renata ma dwie siostry : Magde i Pauline oraz brata Kacpra. Jej hobby to gimnazstyka. Natomiast lubi też grać w piłkę nożną , piłkę ręczną oraz koszykówkę . Renata jest bardzo miłą osobą. Ma świetne poczucie humoru . Ze sobą nigdy się nie nudzimy. Spędziłyśmy razem wiele chwil , tych smutnych ale też tych najpiękniejszych. Niezamieniła bym jej na żadną inną przyjaciółkę ."
My the best friend is Renata . I knew her in the kindergarten , but since four class primary school we are friends . She has got brithday 17-th september . In this year she finish fourteen years old . She is slim, higdt and fit . She has got brown , long and straight hair . Her eyes are green. She is very lovely . Usually she wears sports clothes: jeasns, blouse and smock. Renata has got two sisters : Magda's and Paulina's and brother Kacpers. Her hobby is gymnastics . She likes plaing in the football , handball and basketball , too. Renata is very nices person . She has got a sense of humor. We never boring . We spent together a lot of moment's good , bad and this the most beatiful. I don't change her on another friend .
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Renata is my good friend. I met her in the nursery school, but from 4 for class of the primary school we are friends. 17 September has a birthday.This year he will be 14. She is high, slim and athletic. He has brown, long and straight hair.For her eyes are of green colour. She is very lovely. He is usually dressing casually: jeans, buzka and sweatshirt. Renata has two sisters: of Magde and Pauline and Casper's brother.For her a hobby is a gymnastics. However he likes also to play the football, the handball and the basketball. Renata is a very nice person.He has a great sense of humour. With ourselves we are never bored.We spent altogether a lot of moments, of the ones sad but also of the ones most beautiful. Niezamieniła in order to for her to no other friend.
In this year she finish fourteen years old . She is slim, higdt and fit . She has got brown , long and straight hair . Her eyes are green. She is very lovely .
Usually she wears sports clothes: jeasns, blouse and smock. Renata has got two sisters : Magda's and Paulina's and brother Kacpers. Her hobby is gymnastics . She likes plaing in the football , handball and basketball , too.
Renata is very nices person . She has got a sense of humor. We never boring . We spent together a lot of moment's good , bad and this the most beatiful.
I don't change her on another friend .