Czy ktos moglby mi to przetlumaczyc na angielski? Tylko nie z translatora!!!!!!! Pisze by wyrazic swoja opinie odnośnie pogladow zaprezentowanych w tym artykule.Po przeczytaniu tego artykułu byłam bardzo zdziwiona, żę ktoś poruszył taki temat. Na początku nie wiedziałam, czy zgadzam się z tą opinią czy też nie. W końcu doszłam do wniosku, żę ta opinia według mnie jest prawdą. Młodzież bardzo często kłamie w internecie, zmieniając swój wygląd, wiek, osobowość. Z czasem innni zaczynają ich naśladować, co powoduje kolejne. Nie zgadzam się natomiast z autorem artykułu , że kłamanie jest celowe, zamierzone. NIe akceptuję kłamstwa lecz czasami ludzie kłamią nieświadomie. Myślę, że kłamanie ma swe minusy i plusy. Plusy tylko wtedy, gdy służy to dobru innych ludzi. Jednak prawda i tak wyjdzie na jaw.
I'm writing to express my opinion about the views presented in this article. I was surprised that somebody would touch this topic. At first I couldn't tell whether or not I agreed with presented opinion. Finally I decided that I, in fact, agree with it. Young people often don't tell truth on the internet, lying about their looks, age and personality. After some time other people start doing the same and the cycle continues. However I disagree with the author on the statement that this is done purposedly. I don't accept lies, but sometimes people lie subconsciously. I think that lying has it's good and bad sides. Good sides only when it's done for other people's well-being. Still, the tuth will come out eventually.
I'm writing to express my opinion about the views presented in this article. I was surprised that somebody would touch this topic. At first I couldn't tell whether or not I agreed with presented opinion. Finally I decided that I, in fact, agree with it. Young people often don't tell truth on the internet, lying about their looks, age and personality. After some time other people start doing the same and the cycle continues. However I disagree with the author on the statement that this is done purposedly. I don't accept lies, but sometimes people lie subconsciously. I think that lying has it's good and bad sides. Good sides only when it's done for other people's well-being. Still, the tuth will come out eventually.
Proszę bardzo ;)