Czy ktoś będzie w stanie napisać mi e-mail po angielsku na taki temat jak : *wyjaśnij jak doszło do podjęcia przez ciebie pracy, *opisz jak układa ci się współpraca z kierownikiem i innymi pracownikami *przedstaw, na co zamierzasz wydać zarobione pieniądze
Z Góry dziękuję :) !
Hi Jane, How are you? Sory that I haven't wrote so long but I was really busy. I wanted to tell you about my new job.
My friend's mother has her own littel café. Molly asked me if I woudl like to try helping her serving coffee. I agreed.
I really Iike it! Molly is nice but some times she talkes so much that it is really anoying! Her mom is a very kind lady, she gives us free coffee and biscuts. There delicius! There is also one boy but I don't like him very much. He's very unpatient and even shouts at me and Molly!
I don't get a lot of money but I'm saving most of it to buy a plane ticket to London and visit my aunt there. Have you found a job already?
How are you? Sory that I haven't wrote so long but I was really busy. I wanted to tell you about my new job.
My friend's mother has her own littel café. Molly asked me if I woudl like to try helping her serving coffee. I agreed.
I really Iike it! Molly is nice but some times she talkes so much that it is really anoying! Her mom is a very kind lady, she gives us free coffee and biscuts. There delicius! There is also one boy but I don't like him very much. He's very unpatient and even shouts at me and Molly!
I don't get a lot of money but I'm saving most of it to buy a plane ticket to London and visit my aunt there. Have you found a job already?
Take care,
(Twoje imie)
*mam nadzieje że pomogłam*