Szkolny klub, którego jesteś członkiem/ członkinią, organizuje charytatywny pokaz mody. Napisz zaproszenie, w którym: powiadomisz, gdzie i kiedy się on odbędzie, poinformujesz o planowanych atrakcjach, podasz sposób kontaktu z organizatorem
Hello everyone! Today I would like to invite you all to the school charity fashion show! It will be on Friday next week at 4 pm. It will take place in the school gym.
There will be a lot of atractions! For example: the fashion show, spinning the wheel, catching apples in the water bowl and some sport activies!
If you want to join our fashion show or our atractions then write a message to our school president - Mia. She will definently read your messqge right after you send it! But remember to send the message before Friday!
Hello everyone! Today I would like to invite you all to the school charity fashion show! It will be on Friday next week at 4 pm. It will take place in the school gym.
There will be a lot of atractions! For example: the fashion show, spinning the wheel, catching apples in the water bowl and some sport activies!
If you want to join our fashion show or our atractions then write a message to our school president - Mia. She will definently read your messqge right after you send it! But remember to send the message before Friday!
See you all at the fashion show!