Czesc, potrzebuje napisac jakas recenzje filmu z angielskiego, Basic informations (podstawowe informacje- rez, tytul), background to the story (tlo histori ( o czym jest film), Opinions (opinie, film jest fajny, dlugi itp) i na koniec recommendations (zalecenia- musisz to obejrzec itp) prosze o pomoc ;)
Amelia Earhart vanished somewhere over the Pacific in 1937, during the final leg of a round-the-world flight. Now, belatedly, the wreckage has washed ashore. Mira Nair's biopic is a tinny and barnacled affair, showcasing a peculiarly awful performance from Hilary Swank as the self-styled "vagabond of the air", who tackles both literal and emotional storms with a constant, toothy grin. The ocean, I decided, was welcome to her.