Cześć nie umiem napisać listu motywacyjnego po angielsku pomoże mi ktoś? najlepiej przejdę do rzeczy.Opiszę wszystko
Staram się o pracę w UK w czasie wakacji na podstawie ogłoszenia w gazecie. napisz list-podanie o pracę do potencjalnego pracodawcy,określ o jaką pracę się ubiegasz (opiekunka dla dziecka) , skąd o niej wiesz, opisz swoje doświadczenia i sukcesy w pracy podobnego typu.Podaj co najmniej 2 cechy,Które sprawiają że dobrze nadajesz się do tej pracy,określ swoją znajomość angielsiego i podkreśl umiejętność praktycznego posługiwania się tym językiem.Najlepiej jak będzie 150 wyrazów.Proszę pomocy!!!
Dear....., I am looking for a job in the U.K in the summer holidays. I would like to apply for the job of a babysitter as I saw an announcement for it in a newspaper. I have been a successful babysitter in Poland for 2 years and I have also looked after my younger sibling in the past. I am patient and responsible which is needed for everyone who is working with children. I have been learning English for three and a half years and can speak it quite well and clearly but I still have an accent. However, I personally think that children will not mind this as they do not always understand things fully and will not ask very complex questions. I can use this language very well in everyday situations and I feel fairly comfortable with it now.
I am looking for a job in the U.K in the summer holidays.
I would like to apply for the job of a babysitter as I saw an announcement for it in a newspaper.
I have been a successful babysitter in Poland for 2 years and I have also looked after my younger sibling in the past.
I am patient and responsible which is needed for everyone who is working with children.
I have been learning English for three and a half years and can speak it quite well and clearly but I still have an accent.
However, I personally think that children will not mind this as they do not always understand things fully and will not ask very complex questions.
I can use this language very well in everyday situations and I feel fairly comfortable with it now.