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Norwegia to państwo położone w Europie Północnej na Półwyspie Skandynawskim. Nazwa kraju pochodzi od Nordvegen co znaczy droga na północ. Norwegia jest najrzadziej, po Islandii, zaludnionym krajem europejskim. Średnia gęstość zaludnienia wynosi 14,7 mieszkańca na 1 km².Południowa i środkowa Norwegia jest położona w strefie klimatu umiarkowanego morskiego, a północ (za kołem polarnym) w zakresie umiarkowanego chłodnego morskiego, graniczącego na północnych wybrzeżach z subpolarnym. W niektórych rejonach kraju śniegi utrzymują się cały rok, a temperatura dochodzi do -30 °C Ciekawostki
* Norwegia należy do państw o najwyższym poziomie rozwoju gospodarczego.
* 80% Norwegów to niebieskoocy blondyni.
Norway is a country located in Northern Europe on the Scandinavian Peninsula. The name comes from a country which is Nordvegen road to the north. Norway is the rarest, after Iceland, populated European country. The average population density is 14.7 inhabitants per 1 km ². The southern and central Norway is located in the temperate zone of the sea, and north (the Arctic Circle) in the cool temperate maritime, bordering on the northern coast of subpolarnym. In some parts of the country snow persists year-round, and the temperature reaches -30 ° C Trivia
* Norway is a country with the highest level of economic development.
* 80% of Norwegians are blond niebieskoocy.
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Norway is a country located in Northern Europe on the Scandinavian Peninsula. The name comes from a country which is Nordvegen road to the north. Norway is the rarest, after Iceland, populated European country. The average population density is 14.7 inhabitants per 1 km ². The southern and central Norway is located in the temperate zone of the sea, and north (the Arctic Circle) in the cool temperate maritime, bordering on the northern coast of subpolarnym. In some parts of the country snow persists year-round, and the temperature reaches -30 ° C Trivia
* Norway is a country with the highest level of economic development.
* 80% of Norwegians are blond hair with blue eyes
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Norway is a country located in Northern Europe on the Scandinavian Peninsula. The name comes from a country which is Nordvegen road to the north. Norway is rarely, after Iceland, populated European country. The average population density is 14.7 inhabitants per 1 km ². The southern and central Norway is located in the temperate zone of the sea, and north (the Arctic Circle) in the cool temperate maritime, bordering on the northern coast of subpolarnym. In some parts of the country snow persists year-round, and the temperature reaches -30 ° C
* Norway is a country with the highest level of economic development.
* Norway is a country with the highest level of economic development.
* 80% of Norwegians are blond niebieskoocy.
* Norway is a country with the highest level of economic development.
* 80% of Norwegians are blond hair with blue eyes
* Norway is a country with the highest level of economic development.
* 80% of Norwegians are blond niebieskoocy.