Cześć możecie mi to przetłumaczyć na język angielski tylko prosze nie na oki :D
Moje Wakacje!
Cześć. Mam na imię Aleksandra. Moje wakacje były wspaniałe. 25 czerwca 2011 pojechałam na oazę .Pojechały ze mną Kinga i Patrycja.Oaza trwała 16 dni.Jeżdziliśmy na rózna festyny i wycieczki. Opiekunowie byli wspaniali. Ola i Dorota nauczyły nas 109 pioesenek. Zajęcia z nimi odbywały się codziennie o godz. 9:00 . Beata pilnowała czy wszyscy śpią. kleryk Paweł rozśmieszał wszystkich do łez .Madzia robiła zachwycające fryzury wszystkim dziewczynom . ELa za wsze miala w buzi lizaka, amoderator oazy ks. Antoni Gabryś był nieziemski .Poznałam bardzo dużo osób. Bardzo polubiłam moją nową przyjaciółkę Paulinę. Jest bardzo fajna.Mieszkaliśmy w klasztorze. Siostry które też w nim mieszkały były bardzo miłe . Ksiądz codziennie odprawiał msze .Na koniec oazy była agapa , czyli uczta miłości . Były tańce muzyka zabawy. Było wspaniale .Za rok chciałabym pojechać na oazę jeszcze raz.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Hi. My name is Aleksandra. My holiday was wonderful. On twenty-fifth of June, 2011 I went to the oasis with my friends Kinga and Patrycja. Oasis lasted for sixteen days. We wenttovariousfestivalsand tours. Carers were great. Ola and Dorota have taught us one hundred and nine songs. Lessons with them held everyday at 9:00 am. Beata was checking, if everybody was sleeping. Seminarian Pawel laughed everyone to tears. Madzia made incredible headdress for all girls. Ela had always lollipop in her mouth, and moderator of oasis, priest Antoni Gabryś was amazing. I met many people. I like my new friend Paulina very much, she's really nice. We lived in monastery with nuns, that were also very kind. Priest celebrated Mass everyday. At the end of oasis, there was feast of love - agape(nie wiem czy o to chodzi). We were dancing to music and playing various games. It was really incredible, so next year i would really like to go to oasis one more time.
My vacation!
Hi. My name is Aleksandra. My vacation was very wonderful. The twenty-fifth day of June 2011 year I went to Oaza. Patrycja i Kinga came with me. Oaza lasted sixteen days. We went on dificult picnics and trips. Caregivers were great. Ola and Dorota learned us one hundred nine songs. Clases were everyday at nine o clock with them. Beata watched everyone sleep. Reverend Marek was very funny and everyone laughed. Madzia did hair all girls. Ewa had a lollipop in her mouth by all the time. Pries Gabryś was cool. I met lot of poeople. I liked my new friend Pauline very much. She is very nice. We lived in monastery. The sisters wich lived her were very nice too. Priest celebrated the mass every day. On the end of the Oaza was " feast of love". There was dances music fun. There was very wonderful. I would like go there for the year again.