cześć mam do zrobienia z anglika pomurzcie plis
1.Trzy tygodnie temu były święta bożego narodzenia.
2.W niedzielę nie było mnie w kościele.
3.Wczoraj byliśmy na zakupach w manofakturze łódzkiej.
4.Mój tata był w te święta mikołajem.
5.Bogdan był moim najlepszym kolegom.
Ale te zdania mają być w formie przeczącei i pytającei
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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1. (+) It was Christmas three weeks ago.
(-) It wasn't Christmas three weeks ago.
(?) Was it Christmas three weeks ago?
2. (+) I was in church on Sunday.
(-) I wasn't in church on Sunday.
(?) Were you in church on Sunday?
3. (+) We were shopping at the factory in Lodz yesterday.
(-) We weren't shopping at the factory Lodz yestaeday.
(?) Were you shopping at the factory Lodz yesterday?
4. (+) My dad was Santa Claus this Christmas.
(-) My dad wasn't Santa Claus this Christmas.
(?) Was your dad Santa Claus this Christmas?
5. (+) Bogdan was my best friend.
(-) Bogdan wasn't my best friend.
(?) Was Bogdan your best friend?