cześć czy ktoś mógłby napisać mi jak się czyta po angielsku całą piosenkę Christiny Aguilery Hurt (ju) dzięki za pomoc powodzenia
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Seems (sims) like (lajk) it (it) was (łos) yesterday (jesterdej) when (łen) I (aj) saw (soł) your (jor) face (fejs)
You (ju) told (told) me (mi)how (hał) proud (prud) you (ju) were (łer) but (bat) I (aj) walked (łolkd) away (ełej)
If (if) only (onli) I (aj) know (noł) today (tudej)
Ooh (oh) Ooh (oh)
I (aj) would (łud) hold (hold) you (ju) in (in) my (maj) arms (arms)
I (aj) would (łud) take (tejk) a (e) pain (pejn) away (ełej)
Thank (fenk) you (ju) for (for) all (ol) you've (juw) done (don)
Forgive (forgiw) all (ol) your (jor) mistakes (mistejks)
There's (ders) nothing (nofing) I (aj) wouldn't (łudnt) do (du)
To (tu) hear (hir) your (jor) voice (wojs) again (egejn)
Sometimes (somtajms) I (aj) wanna (łona) call (kol) you (ju)
But (bat) I (aj) know (noł) you (ju) won't (łont) be (bi) there (der)
Ohh (oh) I'm (ajm) sorry (sori) for (for) blaming (blejming) you (ju)
For (for) everything (ewryfing) I (aj) just (dżast) couldn't (kudynt) do (du)
And (end) I've (ajw) hurt (hert) myself (majself) by (baj) hurting (herting) you (ju)
Some (som) days (dejs) I (aj) feel (fil) broke (brołk) inside (insajd) but (bat) I (aj) won't (łont) admit (admit)
Sometimes (somtajms) I (aj) just (dżast) wanna (łona) hide (hajd) cause (kos) it's (its) you )(ju) I (aj) miss (mis)
And (end) it's (its) so (soł) hard (hard) to (tu) say (sej) goodbye (gudbaj)
When (łen) it (it) comes (koms) to (tu) these (dis) rules (ruls), yeaah (jeh)
Would (łud) you ( ju) tell (tel) me (mi) I (aj) was (łos) wrong (rong)?
Would (łud) you (ju) help (help) me (mi) understend (anderstend)
Are (ar) you (ju) looking (luking) down (dałn) upon (apon) me (mi)?
Are (ar) you (ju) proud prud) of (of) who (hu) I (aj) am (em)?
There's (ders) nothing (nofing) I (aj) wouldn't (łudnt) do (du)
To (tu) have (hew) just (dżast) one (łan) more (mor) chance (czens)
To (tu) look (luk) into (into) your (jor) eyes (ajs)
And (end) see (si) you (ju) looking (luking) back (bek)
Ohh (oh) I'm (ajm) sorry (sory) for (for) blaming (blejming) you (ju)
For (for) everything (ewryfing) I (aj) just (dżast) couldn't (kudnt) do (du)
And (end) I've (ajw) hurt (hert) myself (majself), ohh (och)
If (if) I (aj) had (hed) just (dżast) one (łan) more (mor) day (dej)
I (aj) would (łud) tell (tel) you (ju) how (hał) much(macz) that (dat) I've (ajw) missed (misd) you (ju)
Since (sins) you've (juw) been (bin) away (elej)
Ooh, (0ch) it's (its) dangerous (dendżerus)
It's (its) so (soł) out (ałt) of (of) line (lajn)
To (tu) try (czraj) and (end) turn (tern) back (bak) time (tajm)
I'm (ajm) sorry (sory) for (for) blaming (blejming) you (ju)
For (for) everything (ewryfing) I (aj) just (dżast) couldn't (kudnt) do (du)
And (end) I've (ajw) hurt (hert) myself (majself) by (baj) hurting (herting) you (ju)