czas Present Continuous . Przetlumacz zdania
1.Betty nie moze wyjsc bo odrabia zadanie domowe.
2.Sandra gra w tenisa z przyjaciolmi.
3.Jestesmy na wakacjach i swietnie sie bawimy.
4.Ola jest w swoim pokoju i oglada telewizje.
5.Jeste w pokoju i pisze list do chlopaka.
6.Mark jest w kuchni i pije kawe.
7.Piotr i Marta sa w kawiarni i siedza przy stoliku.
8.Marek ma na sobie nowa kurtke i wyglada naprawde dobrze.
9.Jestesmy w bibliotece i czytamy ksiazki o kinach.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Betty can't go outside because she's doing homework.
Sandra's playing tenis with friends.
We're on holidays and we whoop it up.
Ola is in his room and she's watching TV.
I am in my room and I'm writing a letter to my boyfriend.
Mark is in the kitchen and he's drinking a coffee.
Piotr and Marta are in cafe and they're siting at the table.
Marek's wearing a new jacket and he's looking good.
We are in libary and we're reading books about cinemas.
1.Bettycan notgo outbecause itworks outhomework.
2.Sandraplaying tenniswith friends.
3.Jestesmyon vacation andhaving a great time.
4.Olaisin his room andwatch TV.
5.Jestein a room andwrotea letter to theboyfriend.
6.Markis in the kitchenand drinkingcoffee.
7.Piotrand Marthaarein the cafeteriaandsitat the table.
8.Marekis wearing anewjacket andit looksreallygood.
9.Jestesmyin the libraryand readbooksaboutcinema.