Czas Past Continius 1) Podczas ostatniej burzy pioruny uderzały w drzewa na wzgórzu. 2)Czy podczas ostatniego wybuchu wulkanu lawa zalewala okolice i wydobywały sięgroźne gazy ? 3)Podczas ostatniego tornada ludzie stracili swoje domy,ktore były niesione setki kilometrów. proszę ;p
1). During a recent storm, lightning struck the trees on the hill. 2). Does the recent eruption of lava flooded the area and minded the dangerous gases ? 3). During the recent tornado, people lost their homes, which were carried hundreds of miles.
1). During a recent storm, lightning struck the trees on the hill.
2). Does the recent eruption of lava flooded the area and minded the dangerous gases ?
3). During the recent tornado, people lost their homes, which were carried hundreds of miles.