Praca Domowa: My last day of vacation. Tekst ma zawierać: -Miejsce/a, pogodę, godzinę/datę/czas, -Ludzie(spotkani), -Akcje, działania. Należy zmieścić się w przedziale 50-100 słów. Może być max ok. 105 ale moja nauczycielka uzna to jako malutki błąd.
MA BYĆ TO PISANE Z GŁOWY A NIE ŚCIĄGANE Z INTERNETU! Jak jakaś odpowiedź mi się spodoba to dam NAJ.
On 7th July, 2013 I was in ZOO in Warsaw. The weather was beautiful. The sun was shining and the sky was clearly blue. I bought a ticket at 8.00 and five minutes later I was sightseeing. There were a lot of animals and fortunately not so many people (mabye because of time - I was early in the morning). First I saw animals like: elephants, giraffes, tigers (możesz jeszcze dopisać). Then I saw some birds. It was realy nice to see them but it was also difficult to watch how they are tired because of living in a ZOO. They don't have fredom. Whole day I was watching animals. It made me calm and interested. I didn't meet anybody exept little girl witch ice cream. She asked me where was her momy and I heped her to find her. It was a really nice day. (146 słów)
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policzone? nie chcę się narzucać bo praca świetna ale czy nie będę jej musiał skracać :/
w wordzie wkleiłam i mi zliczyło (możesz oczywście skrócić o kilka zdań :) możesz usunąć wątek o dziewczynce z lodem i zakończyć po prostu na It was a really nice day.
możesz to jakoś skrócić? wyrzucę fragment z dziewczynką ale to i tak jest jakieś 13 słów za dużo. Ja "I" nie liczę.
On 7th July, 2013 I was in ZOO in Warsaw. The weather was beautiful. The sun was shining and the sky was clearly blue. I bought a ticket at 8.00 and five minutes later I was sightseeing. There were a lot of animals and fortunately not so many people (mabye because of time - I was early in the morning). First I saw animals like: elephants, giraffes, tigers.Then I saw some birds. It was realy nice to see them but it was also difficult to watch how they are tired because of living in a ZOO. Whole d
I was watching animals. It was a really nice day.
Whole day I was watching animals. It was a really nice day. (108 słów))
My last day of vacation wasn't very special. i spent it with my family. We were watching comedy movies together. We also ordered pizza and bought delicious food. The movie was great i recommend *21st jump street* to you, its a fantastic movie
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dam ci 4 gwiazdeczki bo się starałeś ale trochę za mało słów.