"The Universal Dedaratíon of Human Rights meets sixty years, but
their impact on modern constitutions has not been the most favourable to becoming the single source of reference for the recognition of the rights at the international level, in fact has resulted in a incontinence approval treaty speciaHzed
in thísfieíd. WhUe the structure of the cata¡ogues of rights in tlie constitutions
of European and Latin American fifties have been influenced by this ínternatíona¡ instrument, have a¡so been receiving the caU fragmentation and inflation
rights, the tendency to dedare rights without worrying about their proper protection
"The Universal Dedaratíon of Human Rights meets sixty years, but
their impact on modern constitutions has not been the most favourable to becoming the single source of reference for the recognition of the rights at the international level, in fact has resulted in a incontinence approval treaty speciaHzed
in thísfieíd. WhUe the structure of the cata¡ogues of rights in tlie constitutions
of European and Latin American fifties have been influenced by this ínternatíona¡ instrument, have a¡so been receiving the caU fragmentation and inflation
rights, the tendency to dedare rights without worrying about their proper protection