*Crear una portada de una revista informando sobre las acciones que tù creas que puedan realizarse para difundir y valorar la diversidad en nuestras comunidades y escribir un artículo corto en inglès sobre “Diversity”
we can use the network socials for diffuse the value and diversity of our community, For example: We can production videos of dances of our comuinity and publiced in faceboock for value and difuse our diversity.
Other example is what we can with camera take photograph of articules ceramics or statues old in Facebook or site web for value and difuse our diversity.
How value and difuse our diversity cultural
we can use the network socials for diffuse the value and diversity of our community, For example: We can production videos of dances of our comuinity and publiced in faceboock for value and difuse our diversity.
Other example is what we can with camera take photograph of articules ceramics or statues old in Facebook or site web for value and difuse our diversity.