September 2018 1 34 Report


Konkursy kulinarne

A. The Bocuse d’Or Championship is the most important cookery competition in the world. The contest take place in a large stadium and it is more like a football match than a cookery competition! The excited spectators shout, sign and bang pots while the chefs are cooking. There are twenty-four teams of chefs who have to cook a meat dish and a fish dish for each of the twenty-four judges.

B. The world porridge making championships take place every year in the Scottish Highland village of Carrbridge. People from all over the world compete for the title of the best porridge maker in the world. Traditionally, porridge is made only with oats, water and salt, but it is still difficult to make well.

C. Cook it! Is a cookery competition for young people between the ages of 10 and 14. The aim of the competition is to encourage young people to take an interest in food and cooking. Each competitor cooks a two-course meal for family or friends. The competitor with the best cooking skills wins the first prize of a family holiday.

Odpowiedz na pytania:

a) Who is each comepetition about?

b) Who can participate in each?


Wybierz właściwe słowo.

1. How do you eat your steak: rare*/raw*, medium or well-done?

2. This pasta is delicious. Can I have another part/helping, please?

3. I can’t eat any more. I’m complete/full.

4. I’m so hungry I could eat a horse/cow!


Przeczytaj poniższy tekst i uzupełnij go, wpisując w każdą lukę (1-5) w odpowiedniej formie jeden wyraz z ramki. Wymagana jest pełna poprawność gramatyczna i ortograficzna wpisywanych wyrazów. Jeden wyraz nie pasuje do żadnej luki.

good they eat easy sandwich choose

Cheese is a very popular food that is 1) …………. By people around the world. Cheese can be 2) ……………. added to so many different meals from 3) ……………… to tasty pies. There are few other ingredients that you can use in so many ways. Many countries are famous for 4) …………….. cheeses. France has some of 5) …………… varieties of cheese in the world such as camembert and roquefort*. Italy is famous for its gorgonzola. England also has a wide variety of delicious cheeses like cheddar and silton.


Uzupełnij luki w tekście następującymi wyrazami: garlic, surprise, birthday, cheaquered*, great, ice.

Hi Kelly, It was great to hear from you. Guess what? On Saturday, my friends gave me a 1) ………… birthday party! It was at a pizzeria. The place looked like it was in Italy! It had 2) ………… tablecloths and there were even grapes hanging from the ceiling. The food was fantastic! We had pizza and lasagne with 3) …………….. bread. Oh, and 4) …………. cake and 5) ……………… cream for dessert! We had such a 6) ………… time that we’re going back again this weekend. I think we’ll celebrate everyone’s birthday parties there in the future. Did you enjoy your weekend? Write soon, Laura


Przeczytaj polecenie i nagłówki. Co wiesz na temat soli? Czego jeszcze chcesz dowiedzieć się na ten temat? Napisz dwa pytania, a następnie przeczytaj tekst i sprawdź, czy znajdują się w nim odpowiedzi.

Przeczytaj tekst. Od każdego akapitu (1-3) dopasuj właściwy nagłówek (A-D) i znajdź w tekście fragment potwierdzający twoją odpowiedź. Jeden nagłówek został podany dodatkowo.

A) A long and ancient history

B) The customs of using salt

C) What gets added to it

D) Not too much and not too little


Salt is an essential nutrient that the body requires in order to perform certain functions.

1. All animals need some salt in their diet. It provides important minerals for the body. If you don’t get enough salt in your food it can make you ill. But too much salt is also dangerous and can lead to high blood pressure and heart disease.

2. People have been using salt to improve the flavor of food for thousands of years. One of the oldest factories for making salt is in China. It is 6,000 years old.

3. The salt we use in cooking is mainly sodium chloride that is taken from the sea or other sources. Manufacturers also add some chemicals to stop the salt sticking together.


Znajdź w tekście słowa, które mają następujące znaczenie: substance that helps us grow, cause, get better, taste, mostly, companies.

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