Dear, Mrs. Laily SMPN 10 Pekanbaru, I respect the teachers council SMPN 10 Pekanbaru, the PPL and all my friends that I love. My name is Elshandy Melati Putri of class VII 8 as candidate for student council president Pekanbaru SMPN 10 3-year period 2014-2017. Praise and gratitude I pray to God, because of His grace was over we could be in this place in order to implement one of the stages of the electoral council chairman SMPN 10 Pekanbaru 2014-2017 school year. Love and Peace we extended to our master prophet Elshandy, and his family, his companions and his followers from the beginning until the end of time.
Ladies and Gentlemen, OSIS is Students' union and, of course, is an organization that is at the better schools in the Junior High School (SMP) and the High School (SMA) in Indonesia.
My vision as a candidate for the chairman is to make "OSIS SMPN 10 Pekanbaru AS INTRA SCHOOL ORGANIZATION AND DEDICATED HIGH morals" It is intended that the entire student / student SMPN 10 Pekanbaru able to participate in education and society by upholding good manners, polite, honest , resilient and forward-looking. While my mission when I later elected president of the student council 10 Pekanbaru SMPN was launched work ethic, thoroughness, perseverance, and tenacity. In addition, I also have a mission to develop extra curricular activities especially in the field of sports and arts and develop the performance of the previous council.
A few of my campaign, I apologize if any of my words were less pleasing to you. Hopefully the best will be our next student council president. Thank you. Wassalamualaikum wr.wb
Dear, Mrs. Laily SMPN 10 Pekanbaru, I respect the teachers council SMPN 10 Pekanbaru, the PPL and all my friends that I love.
My name is Elshandy Melati Putri of class VII 8 as candidate for student council president Pekanbaru SMPN 10 3-year period 2014-2017.
Praise and gratitude I pray to God, because of His grace was over we could be in this place in order to implement one of the stages of the electoral council chairman SMPN 10 Pekanbaru 2014-2017 school year. Love and Peace we extended to our master prophet Elshandy, and his family, his companions and his followers from the beginning until the end of time.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
OSIS is Students' union and, of course, is an organization that is at the better schools in the Junior High School (SMP) and the High School (SMA) in Indonesia.
My vision as a candidate for the chairman is to make "OSIS SMPN 10 Pekanbaru AS INTRA SCHOOL ORGANIZATION AND DEDICATED HIGH morals" It is intended that the entire student / student SMPN 10 Pekanbaru able to participate in education and society by upholding good manners, polite, honest , resilient and forward-looking.
While my mission when I later elected president of the student council 10 Pekanbaru SMPN was launched work ethic, thoroughness, perseverance, and tenacity. In addition, I also have a mission to develop extra curricular activities especially in the field of sports and arts and develop the performance of the previous council.
A few of my campaign, I apologize if any of my words were less pleasing to you. Hopefully the best will be our next student council president. Thank you.
Wassalamualaikum wr.wb