Introducing our family members to others is an important in English. If we can introduce our family members to others then we can also introduce our friends or favorite things to other people. Let's take a look on some basic phrases we can use to introduce family members.
There are some common information we need to include when we introduce someone.
- Who is this person to you.
Example: I have one younger sister.
- Name.
Example: Her name is Silvia.
- Age.
Example: She's 15 years old.
- Job.
Example: She is a middle school student.
- Hobby.
Example: She likes reading comics and painting.
Some others thing you can include are physical description, where she or he lives, what do you like about him or her.
Here is a sample paragraph of introducing family members:
Hi, I'm Lina. I'm going to tell you about my family. There are five people in my family, my father, my mother, my older brother, my younger sister, and I. My father is 45 years old and he works in a bank as an accountant. My mother is 43 years old and a housewife. She's very good at cooking and sewing clothes. In her free time, she usually sews simple clothes for me and my sister. My older brother is 20 years old and he's a university student. He rarely stays home because he's very busy with his classes. Finally, my younger sister is 13 years old. She is a first year middle school student. She really likes dancing and playing badminton. Unlike me, my sister is very good at sports.
Bahasa Indonesia
Hi, nama saya Lina. Hari ini saya akan memperkenalkan keluarga saya. Ada lima orang di dalam keluarga saya, ayah, ibu, kakak laki-laki, adik perempuan, dan saya. Ayah saya berumur 45 tahun dan bekerja sebagai seorang akuntan di sebuah bank. Ibu saya berumur 43 tahun dan adalah seorang ibu rumah tangga. Ibu saya sangat pintar memasak dan menjahit. Ketika memiliki waktu luang, ibu saya biasanya menjahitkan baju untuk saya dan adik saya. Kakak laki-laki saya adalah seorang mahasiswa berumur 20 tahun. Dia jarang berada di rumah karena sibuk belajar. Yang terakhir adalah adik saya yang berumur 13 tahun. Dia adalah seorang murid kelas 1 SMP yang gemar menari dan bermain bulutangkis. Berbeda dengan saya, adik saya sangat mahir dalam berolahraga.
When introducing your family members, you can include any information that you think will be important and interesting to tell to others. The sample paragraph is just an example on how you can organize your sentence. Feel free to modify or even change it according to your needs.
Introducing our family members to others is an important in English. If we can introduce our family members to others then we can also introduce our friends or favorite things to other people. Let's take a look on some basic phrases we can use to introduce family members.
There are some common information we need to include when we introduce someone.
- Who is this person to you.
Example: I have one younger sister.
- Name.
Example: Her name is Silvia.
- Age.
Example: She's 15 years old.
- Job.
Example: She is a middle school student.
- Hobby.
Example: She likes reading comics and painting.
Some others thing you can include are physical description, where she or he lives, what do you like about him or her.
Here is a sample paragraph of introducing family members:
Hi, I'm Lina. I'm going to tell you about my family. There are five people in my family, my father, my mother, my older brother, my younger sister, and I. My father is 45 years old and he works in a bank as an accountant. My mother is 43 years old and a housewife. She's very good at cooking and sewing clothes. In her free time, she usually sews simple clothes for me and my sister. My older brother is 20 years old and he's a university student. He rarely stays home because he's very busy with his classes. Finally, my younger sister is 13 years old. She is a first year middle school student. She really likes dancing and playing badminton. Unlike me, my sister is very good at sports.
Bahasa Indonesia
Hi, nama saya Lina. Hari ini saya akan memperkenalkan keluarga saya. Ada lima orang di dalam keluarga saya, ayah, ibu, kakak laki-laki, adik perempuan, dan saya. Ayah saya berumur 45 tahun dan bekerja sebagai seorang akuntan di sebuah bank. Ibu saya berumur 43 tahun dan adalah seorang ibu rumah tangga. Ibu saya sangat pintar memasak dan menjahit. Ketika memiliki waktu luang, ibu saya biasanya menjahitkan baju untuk saya dan adik saya. Kakak laki-laki saya adalah seorang mahasiswa berumur 20 tahun. Dia jarang berada di rumah karena sibuk belajar. Yang terakhir adalah adik saya yang berumur 13 tahun. Dia adalah seorang murid kelas 1 SMP yang gemar menari dan bermain bulutangkis. Berbeda dengan saya, adik saya sangat mahir dalam berolahraga.
When introducing your family members, you can include any information that you think will be important and interesting to tell to others. The sample paragraph is just an example on how you can organize your sentence. Feel free to modify or even change it according to your needs.
Detail tambahan
Kelas: SMP
Mapel: Bahasa Inggris
Kategori: Introducing someone
Kata kunci: Introducing, family members