Contoh kalimat : *giving news to other people *telling suprising news *reacting to suprising news Plis dijawab yaa..
Giving news to other people "I've to tell a news for you, that you won on Badminton Competition!"
Telling surprising news "Guess what? You won the competition!"
Reacting to surprising news "Oh, really? That was a good news!" "I can't believe that"
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A : Hey guys i have a bad news B : what is it? A : Our team failed to join LA competition B: what? Thats so badly, i cant believe it A : Yup me too, but i think we must try again to other competition B : Okay dont give up!
"I've to tell a news for you, that you won on Badminton Competition!"
Telling surprising news
"Guess what? You won the competition!"
Reacting to surprising news
"Oh, really? That was a good news!"
"I can't believe that"
B : what is it?
A : Our team failed to join LA competition
B: what? Thats so badly, i cant believe it
A : Yup me too, but i think we must try again to other competition
B : Okay dont give up!