kaya "i live at..." kalo pake at itu ditulis nama jalan nya sama nomer rumah yang lengkap, kalo pake in ditulis nama kotanya aja, kalo pake on cuma nama jalan. aku juga lagi belajar ini di sekolah.
iyaa ituu jugaa udah tauu heheh yang lain ??? selain yang kaya gitugituu tau gaak??
apa lagi yak? hehe yg aku tau itu ajaa
Good morning my friends, I'd like to introduce my self. My name is Karno, My complete name is Mbah Karno, I was born in Magelang, 3rd August 1991, I am 12 years Old. For now, i live in my uncle's house in Jalan Serayu no 3 Magelang. My Hobby is Playing Football, so, if any of you who like to play football too, you can invite me. I moved to this school because my parents were working out of town, so I entrusted to my uncle, and schools here. I wish, I could be a good friend for you, thank you