Contoh giving compliments 1. you visit your friend's house for the first time 2. your friend submitted her project on time
Kelas : X pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Kategori : congratulating and complimenting Kata kunci : compliment expression
Pembahasan: Compliment expression adalah ungkapan yang digunakan untuk memuji. 1. you visit your friend's house for the first time (kamu berkunjung ke rumah temanmu untuk pertama kalinya) - What a comfortable house! - How nice your house is! - You have a nice house. - Fantastic! I really like your house.
2. your friend submitted her project on time (temanmu mengumpulkan proyeknya tepat waktu) - How clever you are! - Good job! You are really so diligent. - What a diligent boy/girl!
pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kategori : congratulating and complimenting
Kata kunci : compliment expression
Compliment expression adalah ungkapan yang digunakan untuk memuji.
1. you visit your friend's house for the first time (kamu berkunjung ke rumah temanmu untuk pertama kalinya)
- What a comfortable house!
- How nice your house is!
- You have a nice house.
- Fantastic! I really like your house.
2. your friend submitted her project on time (temanmu mengumpulkan proyeknya tepat waktu)
- How clever you are!
- Good job! You are really so diligent.
- What a diligent boy/girl!