ga papa deh. aku coba translate in sendiri aja
Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb. !
Good Morning!
The Honorable Mr. Bambang Suprapto as Principal
The Honorable Mrs. Endah Cahyani as Vice Principal
The Honorable all the teachers
And all my beloved friends
First of all let us convey our gratitude and Praise to Allah SWT because of all his abundance of grace and gifts, so that we can come together in this sunny morning in farewell events for class XII. Sholawat and greetings we always convey to our Prophet Muhammad SAW, his family, friends, and fol
ga papa... cuma buat tugas percakapan sama 1 bangku kok
a: hi b, how are you?
b: hi a, i'm fine thanks. what about you?
a: i'm fine too, thanks ;;)
b: where do you want to go?
a: i want to buy a kilogram of tomato at store
b: oh really? take care A. see you again
a: oh yeah, thanks. see you too B :*
maaf kalo terlalu singkat, itu conversation ku dulu waktu smp :3
oalah. iya ga papa.. thank's for your answer