Contoh 15 kalimat ajakan menggunakan kata can , will dan let's dalam bahasa inggris!! tlong d jwab ya!!
1. Can we go to the swimming pool next week? 2. Can we play hide and seek? 3. Can we play with your dolls? 4. Can we go to the mall? 5. Can we hide your pillow? 6. Will you come with us to the amusement park? 7. Will you please get me that coffee cup? 8. Will you please buy me some Starbucks? 9. Will you babysit your sister for a couple hours? 10. Will you pay the tax for me? 11. Let's avoid violence. 12. Let's study at the library. 13. Let's eat at McDonalds. 14. Let's tell the teacher to turn off the lights. 15. Let's tell Hermione about the homework today.
2. Can we play hide and seek?
3. Can we play with your dolls?
4. Can we go to the mall?
5. Can we hide your pillow?
6. Will you come with us to the amusement park?
7. Will you please get me that coffee cup?
8. Will you please buy me some Starbucks?
9. Will you babysit your sister for a couple hours?
10. Will you pay the tax for me?
11. Let's avoid violence.
12. Let's study at the library.
13. Let's eat at McDonalds.
14. Let's tell the teacher to turn off the lights.
15. Let's tell Hermione about the homework today.