If you would give him good meals, he wouldn't be able to work hard. He would be too lazy for work then.
If she could think it over carefully, she would form a clear opinion.
He could find the answers it he would look at the back of the book.
If I would think that about him, I would say so aloud.
No sabía si había que hacerlo con los verbos would, could.. O si había que ponerlo en el pasado. Si es en pasado entonces dime y te lo haho denuevo.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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If you would give him good meals, he wouldn't be able to work hard. He would be too lazy for work then.
If she could think it over carefully, she would form a clear opinion.
He could find the answers it he would look at the back of the book.
If I would think that about him, I would say so aloud.
No sabía si había que hacerlo con los verbos would, could.. O si había que ponerlo en el pasado. Si es en pasado entonces dime y te lo haho denuevo.