September 2018 1 25 Report

Complete the sentences with the correct words from colums A-C.

What annoys you?

1 You're relaxing on a beach when a person starts to listen to loud music near you.What do you say?

a) Nice music.I love rap.

b) Excuse me.(1)

c) You(2).....say anything,but you move.

2. You go into class and someone is in your chair. What (3) do?

a)I don't mind.I don't say anything.

b)I(4).....something,but it isn't a problem.

c)I say:(5) my place.Move!

3. A perfect world is a place where.....


b)people(7)...with me.

c)there aren't any people.

4.Which of these things annoys you most?

a)People(8)...are dishonest.

b)Machines and computers(9)....don't work.

c)Places(10)....there are lot of people.


1 I relax I'm relax I'm relaxing

2 aren't don't doesn't

3 do does are

4 say probably probably say probably saying

5 You're sitting You sit You're sit

6 is usually usually are are usually

7 agree usually usually agreeing usually agree

8 who which where

9 where who which

10 which where who

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