Complete the instructions based on what you have heard. 1. __________________ a house 2. ________________ lightly 3. _________________ to taste 4. _______________ diagonally 5. _________________ thoroughly 6. please ______________ with a friend 7. ___________ onto the paper plate 8. ____________ on the answer sheet
Kalau melihat bacaan diatas instruction based on what you have heard ini adalah materi listening section dmana murid mendengarkan apa yang diinstruksikan dan menuliskan jawaban d pertanyaan yg ada dibawah ini (saya tetap akan membantu mengisi) a. there is a house b. those books are lightly c. birthday cake is worth to taste d. drag the line diagonally e. complete it thoroughly f. please be kind with a friend g. cut onto the paper plate h. write on the answer sheet
a. there is a house
b. those books are lightly
c. birthday cake is worth to taste
d. drag the line diagonally
e. complete it thoroughly
f. please be kind with a friend
g. cut onto the paper plate
h. write on the answer sheet