Complete the dialogues with the correct form of will or going to.Use the verbs in brackets. A:Where.....on holiday this year? (go) B: We......round France.(travel) A:Where .......?(stay) B:We......our tent ans stay in different campsite.(take) A:In the future,I think the moon for their holidays.(go) B:No,they....! A:Yes,they.....! Richard Branson is already selling tickets online. B:Really?! I ...... one tomorrow (buy) B:
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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A: Where are you going to go on...? B: We will travel round France. A: Where are you going to stay? B: We will take our tent... A: In the future, I think people will go to... B: No, they won't! A: Yes, they will! Richard B. is already selling tickets online. B: Really? I'm going to buy one tomorrow
A: Where ARE YO GOING TO GO on holiday this year? (go)
B: We ARE GOING TO TRAVEL round France.(travel)
A: Where ARE YOU GOING TO STAY? (stay) B: We ARE GOING TO TAKE our tent and stay in different campsites.(take)
A: In the future, I think people WILL GO to the moon for their holidays. (go)
B: No, they WON'T!
A:Yes, they WILL! Richard Branson is already selling tickets online.
B: Really?! I WILL BUY one tomorrow (buy).
BE GOING TO – zamierzać
WILL – czas Future Simple
W obu przypadkach będziemy wyrażać przyszłość, jednak używając going to wyrażamy zamiar lub pewność, że czynność w niedalekiej przyszłości się wydarzy, bo czynniki z zewnątrz nam na to wskazują (np. ciemne chmury zwiastują burzę – It's going to rain/be stormy.)
WILL używamy, gdy wyrażamy przypuszczenie, że coś się wydarzy. Nie jest ono pewne, bazuje na naszej opini, wierzeniach, poglądach, potrzebach czy oczekiwaniach. Ewentualnie Future Simple użyjemy, gdy nagle, spontanicznie podejmujemy decyzję na zrobienie czegoś (I'll call Tom to ask how he's feeling today).
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