Complete the adjectives defined in a-h: a. diplomatic about what you say: t a _ _ _ _ _ b. rational and reasonable: l o _ _ _ _ _ c. concerned or interested in others: c a _ _ _ _ d. helpful and considerate: t h _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ e. hesitant about your actions: c a _ _ _ _ _ _ f. excited or passionate: e n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ g. sensible and realistic: p r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ h. creative and imaginative: i n _ _ _ _ _ _ _
(Podano dwie pierwsze litery szukanych słów, a liczba kresek oznacza liczbę brakujących liter w danym wyrazie.)
a. diplomatic about what you say: tactful
b. rational and reasonable: logical
c. concerned or interested in others: caring
d. helpful and considerate: thoughtful
e. hesitant about your actions: cautious
f. excited or passionate: enthusiastic
g. sensible and realistic: practical
h. creative and imaginative: inventive