" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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eat: si es HE ,SHE ,IT es eats y si es YOU ,WE,THEY o I es eat.
get:gets para HE SHE o IT
y get para YOU WE THEY o I.
sit:sits para HE SHE o IT
y sit es para YOU WE THEY y I.
have:para he she o it es has y para you we they y I es have.
drink: para he she o it es drinks y para you we they y I es drink.
go:para he she o it es goes y para you we they y I es go.
buy:para he she o it es buys y para you we they y I es buy.
read:para he she o it es reads y para you we they y I es read.
play:para he she oit es plays y para you we thwy y I es play.
bake:para he she o it es bakes y para you we they o I es bake.
make: para he she o ir es makes y para you we they y I es make.
watch:para he she o it es watches y para you we they y I es watch.