Como puedo usar some o many o much o a lot of para cosas contables o incontables
donnyemiliomuch: se usa para incontables como líquidos,sal, arena etc. ej: I drank too much water yesterday. Tomé mucha agua ayer many: se usa para contables como libros, lapices, cualquier cosa que se pueda contar. ej: i have many books in my house
a lot of: se usa para ambos, contables e incontables i bought a lot of sugar (incontable) i bought a lot of books ( contable)
Some: se usa solo en oraciones positivas (contable o incontable) I bought some water. i bought some books. Any: se usa solo para negaciones y preguntas (contable o incontable) There isn't any water in the bottle. Are there any bottles of water in the fridge?
many: se usa para contables como libros, lapices, cualquier cosa que se pueda contar. ej: i have many books in my house
a lot of: se usa para ambos, contables e incontables
i bought a lot of sugar (incontable)
i bought a lot of books ( contable)
Some: se usa solo en oraciones positivas (contable o incontable) I bought some water. i bought some books.
Any: se usa solo para negaciones y preguntas (contable o incontable)
There isn't any water in the bottle.
Are there any bottles of water in the fridge?