" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Ad sej jor nejm.
Hend in jor homłork.
Dont plej a gejm.
Ołpen de łindoł,
clos de dor.
Lok at de ticzer
stend on de flor.
Niu klin de blekbord.
Dont sit ołer der!
Łork łif jor klasmet.
Dont brasz jor heir!
Ridi and Englisz buk,
end kąt to ejt
pik ap jor pencil
dont telk to jor mejt.
Ady say your name.
Hand in your homework.
Don't play a game!
Open the window.
Close the door.
Look at the teacher.
Stand on the floor.
Now clean the blackboard.
Don't sit over there!
Work with your classmate.
Don't brush your hair!
Read your English book,
And count to eight.
Pick up your pencil.
Don't talk to your mate!
Kome into de klasrum
Ady sej jor neim
hand in jor homłork
dont plej e geim
ołpen de łindoł
klous de dor
luk at de ticzer
stand on de flor
Nał klin de blekbord
dont sit owen der
work łicz jor klasmate
dont brusz jor hair
rid jor englisz buk
end count tu eit
pik ap jor penkil
dont talk to jor metal
Ajdy saj jor nejm .
hend in jor homłork .
dont plej a gejm .
open de łindows.
klos de dor .
lók at me ticzer .
stand on de flor .
nał klen de blakbord .
dont sit ower der .
work łiff jor hair .
dont brusz jor hair .
rid jor englisz bók .
end cont to ejt .
pik ap jor pensil .
dont talk tu jor mejt.