Your school/college is preparing a project about smoking. [Sekolahmu sedang mempersiapkan sebuah proyek tentang merokok.]
Here are some comments your friends made when you were researching the topic: [Berikut beberapa komentar teman-temanmu ketika kamu sedang melakukan penelitian tentang topik tsb:]
'If someone wants to smoke and get ill, that's his or her choice.' ['Jika seseorang ingin merokok dan jatuh sakit, itu adalah pilihannya.']
'I think there should be special places where people can smoke if they want to.' ['Menurutku harus ada tempat khusus dimana orang bisa merokok jika mereka mau.']
'Smoking is a terrible habit which causes many social problems and can even kill you- it should be banned!' ['Merokok adalah kebiasaan buruk yang menyebabkan banyak masalah sosial dan bahkan bisa membunuhmu- hal ini harus dilarang!']
'Why doesn't the government increase taxes on smoking and use this money to pay for medical care when smokers need it?' ['Mengapa pemerintah tidak menaikkan pajak pada rokok dan menggunakan uang tsb untuk membayar biaya pengobatan ketika para perokok membutuhkannya?']
Your teacher has asked you to write an article for the project giving your views about the issue. [Gurumu telah memintamu untuk menulis sebuah artikel untuk proyek tsb, memberikan pandanganmu tentang masalah ini.]
Your article should be between 150 and 200 words long. [Artikelmu harus antara 150 dan 200 kata.]
The comments above may give you some ideas but you are free to use any ideas of your own. [Komentar-komentar di atas mungkin memberimu beberapa ide tetapi kamu bebas menggunakan idemu sendiri.]
"smoking" smoking, it's like some cultures in this globalization era's. In this era more and more people's has tried it. From adults, teenagers and even children. it's a serious problem, right? great number of the teenage that has tried to smoking, don't know that can change their bright future to be bad. Their just want to be top/ popular when they did it. just want to have cool looking with cigarettes in their hand. Wrong think. Beside it, don't be glad cause you are not a smoker. the results show that the passif smokers have more chance to get the negative effect from smoking. it's happened when you breathing beside the smoker. imagine the baby and children got sick because of the smoker. How pity they are?
So smoker chance your habits and star to free from smoke, and rich a better future. who knows? maybe you'll get more happiness, in world without air pollution.
smoking, it's like some cultures in this globalization era's. In this era more and more people's has tried it. From adults, teenagers and even children. it's a serious problem, right?
great number of the teenage that has tried to smoking, don't know that can change their bright future to be bad. Their just want to be top/ popular when they did it. just want to have cool looking with cigarettes in their hand. Wrong think.
Beside it, don't be glad cause you are not a smoker. the results show that the passif smokers have more chance to get the negative effect from smoking. it's happened when you breathing beside the smoker. imagine the baby and children got sick because of the smoker. How pity they are?
So smoker chance your habits and star to free from smoke, and rich a better future. who knows? maybe you'll get more happiness, in world without air pollution.