Przecztłumacz na język angielski wyrażenia podane w nawiasach. Odpowiedz na pytania.
1)(ile kalorii) do you eat a day ? ...............................
2) (ile pieprzu) do you add to your food ? .....................
3) (ile czasu) does it take you to make your favourite meal ? ...................
4) (ile cukru) do you take in your tea/coffee?...............................
5) (ile rodzajów warzyw) do you have a day ?...............................
6) (ile supermarketów) are there near where you live? .......................
Uzupełnij zdania tak aby powstały zgodnie z prawda stwierdzenia o tobie lub o twoim miejscu zamieszkania
1. I eat mamy
2.I have too little
3.I know a few
4.There are few
5.There are a lot of
Z góry dzięki ;)
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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1) How many calories do you eat a day ? I eat 1500 calories a day.
2) How much pepper do you add to your food ? A little bit.
3) How much time does it take you to make your favourite meal ? It takes me around 15 min.
4) How much sugar do you take in your tea/coffee? I take one teaspoon.
5) How many types of vegetables do you have a day ? I have 3 types of vegetables a day.
6) How many supermarkets are there near where you live? There are 3 supermarkets.
1. I eat many fruits.
2. I have too little milk.
3. I know a few jokes.
4. There are few books
5. There are a lot of leaves on the grass.