Coba berikan alasan mengapa anak sekolah dilarang membawa kendaraan bermotor kesekolah? tp dlm bntuk bhsa inggris srta terjemahnya..mhon d bntu ya.. please..
First, underage. this is important because we dont have any valid documents that proves we can drive. second, dangerous. we know that a lot of accidents happen. so, its better if your parents take you to the school. at least it'll be more safe. dont be embarrassed. third, dont make your parents worry about you, esp your location. many cases happen that students doenst come to school.
second, dangerous. we know that a lot of accidents happen. so, its better if your parents take you to the school. at least it'll be more safe. dont be embarrassed.
third, dont make your parents worry about you, esp your location. many cases happen that students doenst come to school.
semoga membantu :"D