November 2018 1 32 Report
Co to jest ballada i jej budowa.
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1. Uzupełnij tekst wyrazami z ramki. Niektóre mogą być użyte dwukrotnie, a niektóre wcale. Take, do, place, sign, floor, have, attic, make 1. ............ up your mind - do you want to do the dusting or the washing up? 2. I could not live in a flat on the top............of a block of flats. I have a fear of heights. 3.It's a beautiful room, with a soft carpet on the............. 4. we're touring Beverly Hills today and want of houses of Hollywood stars. 5. Getting my too expensive, so I'm sharing a flat with two other students. 6. My roommate needs half an hour to........... a shower every day - it's very annoying. 7. I like staying in hotels in Africa - they ........... your bed for you and decerate it with flowers. 8. The building was completely empty; there was no ........of life there. 2. Przetłumacz fragmenty zdań w języku polskim na język angielski. 1. You................(nigdy nic nie robisz) around the house - this has to change! 2. Excuse me, you look lost. ...........(Szuka Pan kogoś?) 3..................(Nikt nie chce kupić) that house because people say there's a ghost there. 4. .................(Już umyłam okna). Do you want me to do the dusting now? 5. That place ............... (przypomina mi moje miasto rodzinne). 6...............(Zawsze podziwiałam) to my grandpa - do you know he built this house himself? 7. Why do you need my keys? ......(Zgubiłeś) yours? 8. ............(Czy nie widzieli Państwo naszej broszury)? We have everything from tiny rooms to expensive villas to rent. 9..................(Czy umeblowaliście) your new flat yet?

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