October 2018 1 41 Report

5 zadań! Dam Naj! 60pkt do zgarnięcia!

1.Po odparowaniu do sucha 40cm(do3) nasyconego w 293K roztworu o gęstości 1,12g/cm(do3) otrzymano 6,8g substancji. Oblicz rozpuszczalność tej substancji w temperaturze 293K.

2.Oblicz ile moli wodorotlenku sodu (NaOH) potrzeba do przygotowania 200g roztworu o stężeniu 10%.

3.Z 300h 10% roztworu odparowano 70g wody. Oblicz stężenie procentowe otrzymanego roztworu.

4.Jaką objętość stanowi 0,5molowy roztwór zawierający 0,25mola substancji.

5.Oblicz stężenie molowe 15% roztworu wodorotlenku potasu, jeżeli gętość roztworu wynosi 1,14g/cm(do3).

Proszę o dane,obliczenia,wzory,rozwiązanie. Za conajmniej 3 poprawnie zrobione zadania dam NAJ. Jak ktoś nie wie nie pisać...

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Choose the sentence that has a similar meaning to the main sentence.1The blue car is cheaper than the red one.a)The blue car is as expensive as the red one.b)The blue car is less expensive than the red one.c)The blue car is not as cheap as the red one. 2This house is not big enough for us.a)This house is not the biggest house.b)This house is too big for us.c)This house is too small for us. Use the information in the table to write sentences. AgeRoomsPriceDistance to schoolHouse 1 75 years old 4 120,000 2 kilometres House 2 10 years old 12 450,000 17 kilometres Przykład: House 1 / not expensive / house 2. . 1House 2 / not cheap / house 1. 1. 2House 1 / small / for a very big family. 2. 3House 2 / big / for one person. 3. 4House 2 / good / house 1 for a big family. 4. 5House 1 / near / to the school / house 2. 5. 6House 2 / modern / house 1. 6. Tam gdzie jest 1. i tak dalej należy odpowiedzieć. Complete the questions with superlative adjectives. Last year, ...1what was (expensive) thing you bought?2which was (bad) book you read?3what was (happy) day for you?4which was (good) film you saw?5what was (unusual) thing you learnt?6what was (far) you travelled?Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first one. You must use the words in brackets unchanged.Przykład:Our dining room is too small for six people. (enough)Our dining room .1Chicago is bigger than Bratislava. (big)Bratislava .2This flat isn't quiet enough for my mum to study. (too)This flat .3They built this house and that flat in 1955. (as … as)This house .4My bedroom is a bit untidy but it's not too small. (enough)My bedroom .5Tom lives five kilometres and Jake lives one kilometre from the station. (far)Jake doesn't live .6I like all the houses but I like the cottage the best. (beautiful)I think the cottage .Dużo pkt, więc rozwiązania mają być w 90% dobrze... ;)

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