October 2018 1 13 Report

Zadania z angielskiego : 1. Do you want/enjoy meeating new people ? 2.Would/Do like to be in a play ? 3.We plan/enjoy to perform,a play at he end of term ,and we need more actors and actesses . We've decided/loved to have live music ,so we need musicians too . So , if you don't want/hate being bored at yhe weeend ,come and join us ! We meet at the Yourth Club every Saturday aftrnoon from 2.30 to 5 . Write true sentences.Use the ideals in the box of your own ideals . study/get up/clean my room /go on holiday/eat ice cream /clap . 1.I plan.............................................................................. 2.I want.............................................................. 3.I enjoy........................................................................... 4.I love.......................................................... 5.I hate.................................................................. 6.I'd like ..................................................................... 7.I've decided .................................................... 8.I like.................................................. Prosze zróbcie to . ! A i jeszcze jak ktoś ma pomysł na plakat pt.,,Postaw na rodzinę '' ,to mówić! ;D

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