October 2018 1 68 Report
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Encontrar verbos regulares y irregulares en presente-pasado y futuro en el siguiente texto Narrator: The youth center in our town decided to look for some teens whose lives have had an impact on our community because of their achievements. In a recent event, we took pictures of some of these outstanding whiz kids. Tom Menezes Tom was born in 1995. When he was five years old, he showed his artistic talent. Tom has been creative all his life. He has been best known for his musical talent. In fact, he has played the saxophone since 2005 and he has been a solo performer for his orchestra in some concerts. Bert Richardson Bert is 17 years old. He has been a very sensitive person all his life. Since he was little, he has had a social talent. He raised money to help poor children with their education in 2002. He joined an international organization in 2005 and has worked as a volunteer for seven years now. Matthew Wells Matthew is 15 years old. He has been curious about trains all his life. In fact, he has the largest collection in our town. He has good analytical abilities. He has learned the ropes of train conduction. However, he is going to go to an institute of technology to become a railway engineer. Ericka Williamson Ericka was born in 1994 and has always been sporty. When she was eight years old, she won her first table tennis tournament. Ericka is very competitive as well. She has won four championships since 2005. Ericka has a large collection of awards. Recently she won a trophy for her achievements in sports. She will be in the Olympics in Brazil in 2016. Samantha Herrera Samantha is 17 years old. She is a very intelligent person. Her abilities with colors and shapes make her a very imaginative person. She took a fashion design course when she was 11 years old. She did so well in this class that her teachers gave her a medal for her creative work. She designed some clothes and people loved it. She has already sold her designs to some famous designers in Europe.

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