BRAILLE is a special system of writing and reading for blind people. BRAILLE LETTERS are made up of dots, or bumps. BLIND PEOPLE read those dots by running their fingertips across them to recognize the pattern of the dots. BRAILLE uses a special code of sixty-three characters. EACH CHARACTER has one to six dots. THESE DOTS are arranged in a six-position pattern. For example, in the pattern for the letter C, THE TOP TWO DOTS are raised, but THE LOWER FOURS are not. BRAILLE gets its name from the inventor of this writing system. LOUIS BRAILLE, A BLIND SCIENTIST AND MUSIC TEACHER, invented this special alphabet in France in the 1800's. Today MILLION OF BLIND PEOPLE ALL OVER THE WORLD are able to read and write because of this simple yet effective communication system.
The subjects are CAPITALIZED.
Dalam tata bahasa Inggris, subjek adalah bagian dari kalimat atau klausa yang melakukan sesuatu (doing something) atau menjadi sesuatu (being something). Subjek dapat berupa orang, benda, tempat, ataupun ide.
Subjek sebuah kalimat dapat ditemukan jika kita sudah menemukan kata kerja kalimat tersebut.
Subjek dapat kita temukan dengan menanyakan who/what + verb.
e.g. Who dies? What happened?
Jawaban dari pertanyaan tersebut adalah subjek kalimat.
Contoh di kalimat pertama teks
Braille is a special system of writing and reading for blind people.
Kata kerja pada kalimat tersebut adalah is.
What is a [....] for blind people?
Jawabannya adalah Braille, berarti subjek pada kalimat tersebut adalah Braille.
Verified answer
BRAILLE is a special system of writing and reading for blind people. BRAILLE LETTERS are made up of dots, or bumps. BLIND PEOPLE read those dots by running their fingertips across them to recognize the pattern of the dots. BRAILLE uses a special code of sixty-three characters. EACH CHARACTER has one to six dots. THESE DOTS are arranged in a six-position pattern. For example, in the pattern for the letter C, THE TOP TWO DOTS are raised, but THE LOWER FOURS are not. BRAILLE gets its name from the inventor of this writing system. LOUIS BRAILLE, A BLIND SCIENTIST AND MUSIC TEACHER, invented this special alphabet in France in the 1800's. Today MILLION OF BLIND PEOPLE ALL OVER THE WORLD are able to read and write because of this simple yet effective communication system.
The subjects are CAPITALIZED.
Dalam tata bahasa Inggris, subjek adalah bagian dari kalimat atau klausa yang melakukan sesuatu (doing something) atau menjadi sesuatu (being something). Subjek dapat berupa orang, benda, tempat, ataupun ide.
Subjek sebuah kalimat dapat ditemukan jika kita sudah menemukan kata kerja kalimat tersebut.
Subjek dapat kita temukan dengan menanyakan who/what + verb.
e.g. Who dies? What happened?
Jawaban dari pertanyaan tersebut adalah subjek kalimat.
Contoh di kalimat pertama teks
Braille is a special system of writing and reading for blind people.
Kata kerja pada kalimat tersebut adalah is.
What is a [....] for blind people?
Jawabannya adalah Braille, berarti subjek pada kalimat tersebut adalah Braille.
More excercise on finding the subject of a sentence:
Subject: English
Category: Structure and Written Expression
Keywords: subject, verb, sentence
Code: 5