November 2018 1 30 Report

Ciało 1 o ciężarze G spoczywające na równi pochyłej tworzącej z poziomem kąt alfa opiera się o krawędź A ciała 2 o ciężarze Q leżącego na płaszczyźnie poziomej. Określić największą wartość siły jaką można przyłożyć do ciała 2 aby układ pozostał jeszcze w spoczynku. Wiedząc że wspułczynniki tarcia w punktach styku elementów układu wynoszą μ1, μ2, μ3.

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Witam, mam opowiedzieć na lekcji o jakiejś katastrofie naturalnej, wybrałem trzęsienie ziemi. Poskładałem taką wypowiedź: "An earthquake is one of the most dangerous natural disasters. It is causing havoc, is introducing chaos as well as is dangerous to people and animals. The earthquakes are natural disasters generated by the seismic waves emitted as a result of elastic rebound in case of destruction of the earth’s medium. Earthquakes are fast, immediate, non predictable in time, sudden and sometimes strong and very destructive. The statistics shows that on the whole planet per year more than 20-30 cases strong and destructive earthquakes occurred. Earthquakes do not occur everywhere on the planet Earth. They can be expected in so called “seismic belts” – Pacific, Alpo-Himalayan, etc. The consequence of each earthquake depends on the effect that it produces on the earth surface – destruction or damages of the buildings and other structures (like bridges, dams, roads, railways, pipe lines, etc.), liquefaction, earth cracks, landslides, avalanches, tsunamis, etc. Often earthquakes generated as secondary effects: fires, poison and chemical pollutions, flood, etc. It is well known fact that the recent science cannot predict the exact time of the strong earthquakes.If the prediction is not possible, only several preventive measures can be done. The antiseismic measures. They are applicable to the buildings and constructions increasing their resistance to the seismic loading during the earthquakes. The constructive measures include strengthening the basements, walls and roofs. Another preventive measures are connected with the education of the people - what to do to decrease the personal risk – so called protective measures. The rescue operations are effective during the first several days after the quake. " Proszę o poprawę błędów i jak to możliwe uproszczenie tego tekstu, bo obawiam się że ciężko to będzie zapamiętać. Z góry dziękuje!! p.s. to na jutro

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