my dad HAS DRIVEN taxi for ten years.
A. john HAS STUDY french for a long time.
B. teacher HAS LIVE in suba for ten years.
C. they HAVE ??? taxi for many years.
D. we HAVE BUY a new house.
E. alice HAS SAVED expensive cars since 2015.
La letra MAYUSCULA es la respuesta:p
y el la C me falta Ayuda pls
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my dad HAS DRIVEN taxi for ten years.
A. john HAS STUDY french for a long time.
B. teacher HAS LIVE in suba for ten years.
C. they HAVE ??? taxi for many years.
D. we HAVE BUY a new house.
E. alice HAS SAVED expensive cars since 2015.
La letra MAYUSCULA es la respuesta:p
y el la C me falta Ayuda pls