Choose the best option to complete gaps. There is only one correct answer.
14 solvent, poor, broke, insolvent
15 improve rectify, correct, perfect
16 transferring, assigning, selling, conveyancing
17 settlement, resolution, decision, arrangement
18 slander, defamation, allegation, accusation
19 percentage, ratio, part, commission
20 exact, explicit, specific, precise
21 being, person, individual, body
22 dissolved, closed, concluded, terminated
23 time, terms, period, term
24 nuisance, annoyance, sound, trespass
25 advocatef or, represent for, talk for, act for
26 guilt, guilty, charge, accusation
27 renter, occupier, resident, tenant,
28 creative, invention, original, intellectual
29 handed, awarded, granted, ordered
30 clients, debtors, creditors, debt
31 mentioned, told, reffered, cited
32 libel, slander, accusation, allegation
33 punishment, damage, award, fine
34 ability, possibility, capacity, capability
35 passed, voted, made, agreed,
36 speaking, representing, audience, appearing
37 in the red, ruined, overdrawn, in the black
38 for, with ,in , against
39 under, in, to, for