Utwórz zdania w języku angielskim Tylko nie róbcie z tłumacza, bo na tłumaczu źle jest :/ Chodzi o to że mają być zdanie twierdzące, pytające i przeczące np: My gramy teraz w tenisa, My nie gramy teraz w tenisa, Czy gramy teraz w tenisa?
Zdania :
My gramy teraz w tenisa. Pomagam teraz mamie. Oni idą jutro łowić ryby. Wy teraz gracie na gitarze. Oni idą jutro do restauracji.
My gramy teraz w tenisa.
We are playing tennis now.
Are we playing tennis now?
We aren't playing tennis now.
Pomagam teraz mamie.
I'm helping my mom now.
Am I helping my mom now?
I'm not helping my mom now.
Oni idą jutro łowić ryby.
They are going fishing tomorrow.
Are they going fishing tomorrow?
They aren't going fishing tomorrow.
Wy teraz gracie na gitarze.
You are playing guitar now.
Are you playing guitar now?
You aren't playing guitar now.
Oni idą jutro do restauracji.
They are going to the restaurant tomorrow.
Are they going to the restaurant tomorrow?
They aren't going to the restaurant tomorrow.
We are playing tennis now.
We aren't playing tennis now.
Are we playing tennis now?
I'm helping my mom now.
I'm not helping my mom now.
Am I helping my mom now?
They are going fishing tomorrow.
They aren't going fishing tomorrow.
Are they going fishing tomorrow?
You are playing guitar now.
You aren't playing guitar now.
Are you playing guitar now?
They are going to the restaurant tomorrow.
They aren't going to the restaurant tomorrow.
Are they going to the restaurant tomorrow?