September 2018 1 15 Report

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,,cheers for the pub''

Dr Samuel Johnson, that grumble old wit who

epitomised the English eighteenth century, had

no doubt as to what constituted the nation's

finest institution: "No, Sir, there is nothing

which has yet been contrived by man by which

so much happiness is produced, as by a good

tavern or inn."

The English public house remains one of the country's greatest attributes, cherished by its regulars, often the focal point of a community, and sought out by foreign tourists
who all too ofren fail totally to understand or
appreciate it. Pubs are the lifeblood of England, whether they are ornate Vctorian comer
houses in inner cities with carved mahogany,
mirrors and flock wallpaper or low, thatch roofed rural inns serving strange brews with
names like Pitchfork,
Dogbolter or Hobgoblin.
To an Englishman, the
pub is the greatest social
leveller, a place where
people meet on equal
terms, from whatever
their walk of life, to relax,
have a drink and enjoy a
conversation. The pub is where gossip is exchanged, jokes are told, cares are shared and
shed, and the world seems a brighter place.
You can also get drunk there, but only if you
really want to. The drink is part of the atmosphere and the atmosphere is a way of life.
Ask any English expat in any corner of the
world what he misses most about home
and I'll bet you a pint of your usual the answer will be ''the bup''.

peter millar salutes one of england's great institutions.

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