NA SZYBKO DAM NAJ (: DUZO PUNKTÓW BEZSENSOWNE ODPOWIEDZI ZGŁASZSAM Chciałbyś / Chciałabyś zaprosić swojego kolegę z Irlandii do odwiedzenia cię podczas wakacji. Napisz do niego e-mail: - zaproś kolegę i napisz, jaki termin najbardziej ci odpowiada, i wyjaśnij, dlaczego; - wyjaśnij, jak najlepiej dotrzeć do twojego domu z lotniska; - zaproponuj, jak wspólnie moglibyście spędzić czas.
Hi ABC! Thanks for your email. What are your plans for the summer holidays this year?
Thanks for your email. What are your plans for the summer holidays this year? I would like to invite you to my town from July 15 to 20 because I'm going with my parents on vacation and I'm leaving on July 23. when you leave the airport, go straight past the supermarket and turn left. Then turn right and you are here. We can go to the cinema and the aquapark together. Meet my friend Max and do something interesting. It will be great fun. Let me know if you want to come.
Thanks for your email. What are your plans for the summer holidays this year? I would like to invite you to my town from July 15 to 20 because I'm going with my parents on vacation and I'm leaving on July 23. when you leave the airport, go straight past the supermarket and turn left. Then turn right and you are here. We can go to the cinema and the aquapark together. Meet my friend Max and do something interesting. It will be great fun. Let me know if you want to come.
(twoje imię)