Chcesz zarezerwować pokoje na wycieczkę klasową napisz list do menagera hotelu w którym poinformujesz -kiedy i na jak długo przyjeżdżacie -ile osób przyjeżdża i poprosisz o potwierdzenie informacji dotyczącej ceny wycieczki powiesz z oferty jakich wycieczek i zajęć organizowanych w hotelu klasa chciałaby skorzystać -poprosisz o przesłanie ci drogą internetową szczegóły dotyczące płatności i trasy przejazdu
list formalny
Dear Mr Caus, I`m writting to you in the name of my class. Wewant you to organise an accomodation for about 30 people. We will arrive to the Hilton`s Hotel on 13th March 2010 and our staying at your Hotel will last about 5 days. Please tell me if a charge has changed. Our class has already decided that they want to take part in `Green trip` . We also want enjoy your hotel`s facilities and competitions. such as hang gliding, windsurfing etc. Oh And one more thing. I want you send details about payment and that trip`s route on my e-mail: [email protected]
I`m writting to you in the name of my class. Wewant you to organise an accomodation for about 30 people. We will arrive to the Hilton`s Hotel on 13th March 2010 and our staying at your Hotel will last about 5 days.
Please tell me if a charge has changed.
Our class has already decided that they want to take part in `Green trip` . We also want enjoy your hotel`s facilities and competitions. such as hang gliding, windsurfing etc.
Oh And one more thing. I want you send details about payment and that trip`s route on my e-mail: [email protected]
Best wishes,