Chcesz zaprosic kolezanke z Irlandii do odwiedzenia cie w Polsce. napisz zaproszenie w ktorym: -przedstawisz swoj pomysl spotkania -zasugerujesz mozliwy termin odwiedzin -opiszesz warunki mieszkaniowe, ktore mozesz zapewnic kolezane -zaproponujesz w jaki sposob moglybyscie spedzic wspolnie czas
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Hi Caroline, do you want to visit me in Poland? If you want to, we can make a lot of interesting things, for example visit Cracow - in my opinion the most beautiful town in Poland. Are you able to come next week? I heard , that it will be great weather, so we can spent time outside. You can live in my flat. It is big and clear, and I have a cat. I hope, that you like animals. If yes, we can go to the zoo. Moreover I can teach you horse riding and we can help in animal shelter. I hope we will see soon! Kisses