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Dear Sir/ Madam
I am writing in connection with the article that I have read in „Gazeta Wyborcza” two days ago, which related sales of property.
I am interested of buying property. I would like buy detached house , two-storey and this offer is ideal for me. I would like to know more details about distance municipal transport and shops from home. I have small, ill children and this information is very important to me, because I must have good connection with city.
I would like to ask for further information about furnishings of house. I want to know, if in the house is central heating and fireplace. Could you send me thorough describe of house ? Another question I have is about possibility to practicing sport. I want to know, if sports like tennis and football I can practicing. Please send more information about availability of place do practice this sport or others/
I look forward to hearing from you.
* W załaczniku załaczam zwroty do napisania listu formalnego :)
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